Andreas is from Cyprus and lives in North Wales with his wife Michelle and three children: Mihalis, Vangelis and Areti.
He has worked in the hospitality industry his entire adult life. Since selling a multi-award-winning tearoom in 2012, he trained as a coffee specialist and barista trainer. A two-year stint on the mission field in Greece provided the opportunity to start a coffee training school in a women’s prison in Greece, and a community centre for the Evangelical Church in Athens which retrains people from all walks of life (homeless, ex-addicts, long-term unemployed, youth, etc.).
Since his return to the UK, Andreas has been working for a small coffee roaster and travelling to Greece to complete training and assessment of candidates in the two coffee schools. He is currently working on setting up a social-enterprise cafe and training centre in North Wales to provide training for the disadvantaged and opportunities for work in the coffee industry.
He has always been open and ready to collaborate with missionaries who want to create a coffee school project in their own ministries or communities.
Andreas has a unique call, ‘A Barista for Jesus’ Brilliant!