Mark and Ronel have worked in villages around Mzuzu, northern Malawi since 2008 although they have been missionaries for much longer.
God has given them a passion to empower local farmers and communities to work in harmony with the natural resources around them. Through demonstrating stewardship of resources and finances and using “Foundation for Farming,” which lays a strong spiritual foundation, they have a natural means of preaching the gospel.
In 2013 they started training local people in their garage at a smallholding. In 2017 they were able to buy Kunsitha Farm, a 9-hectare site which they developed as a model for training farmers, gardeners and village leaders in conservation farming methods: composting, tree production, bee keeping and biblical finances (Africa Money Map).
Mark has created a host of workshops and is excited about teaching and working with the farmers. He loves showing them how God is ‘farming’ in the forest and that He also cares deeply for them as people. Many hear about the farm and come to take a look for themselves.
Like farmers harnessing nature to their benefit, God has wonderfully harnessed this couple for His purposes.
In 2021 Mark and Ronel moved to live on the farm, which is far more convenient and economical.
Ronel home-schooled their now adult two children. Sasha, their daughter, and her husband CJ are joining them in the work. Ronel also makes sure that the administration, training materials, finances and meals for trainers are all in order.
Together with two other couples a church has started meetings at the farm and is steadily growing.
Contact Details
Email: be*******@af***********.net“>be*******@af***********.net
Phone: +265 888168854
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