Robbie and Lesley recently moved to Cape Town, South Africa, having previously served in England, Scotland and Malawi. Blessed with ten children it is obvious from our visits to Malawi that the family members get on well together, although the older children have flown the nest.
Robbie is a Gospel preacher and Bible teacher. His vision includes equipping people for ministry, helping to revitalize struggling churches, and encouraging and supporting pastors. He has a PhD in Theology (Missions), has published books on Traditional Religion in Malawi, has a few writing projects on the go, and does leadership training. He loves to braai, run, surf, laugh and build relationships. They are looking for accommodation, an office and a worship space in Muizenberg where they hope to start a new work.
Lesley home-schools their children as well as pursuing her gifts of hospitality and passion for intercessory prayer. She also has a heart (and the experience) to encourage and mentor younger women and mothers. Lesley enjoys coffee, chocolate, long walks and chatting with friends.
Their lives don’t fall into the expected norms but reflect a freedom that we delight to see.
Verses from a Madam Guyon hymn capture something of Robbie and Lesley’s walk with the Lord.
All scenes alike engaging prove
To souls imprest with sacred love
Where’er they dwell, they dwell in thee
In heav’n, on earth, or on the sea.
To me remains no place nor time:
My country is in every clime;
I can be calm, and free from care,
On any shore, since God is there.
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]